Rhodes: Titanium Grooved Coin and IP Gold Edges Wedding Band Ring

Size sz 5.0 sz 5.5 sz 6.0 sz 6.5 sz 7.0 sz 7.5 sz 8.0 sz 8.5 sz 9.0 sz 9.5 sz 10.0 sz 10.5 sz 11.0 sz 11.5 sz 12.0 sz 12.5 sz 13.0 sz 13.5
Width 6mm 8mm
Color Gold
Rhodes: This is a contemporary Wedding Band ring featuring grooved/coin Ionic Plated edges and a Titanium center stripe. Made of top-quality Titanium and Ionic Plated 14K Yellow Gold, the look and condition of this ring is very easy to take care of and the Titanium makes it extremely durable. The grooved/coin edges add a fashionable twist to the design of this ring and makes it a great gift for men and women alike!


  • This item is brand new.

  • The ring weighs approx. 3.25 grams (the weight may vary by ring size).

  • The band measures approx. 6mm or 8mm in width or about 1/4" or 1/3".

  • Solid Titanium and 14K Ionic Plated Yellow Gold. 100% lead and nickel free.

  • Style: Unisex Grooved/coin edge Wedding Band Ring.


  • None.